Dear Cambria,
As of today I am 38 weeks and 6 days pregnant with you. It is hard to believe that tomorrow I will be 39 weeks pregnant! Obviously since I am writing this letter, you are still hanging out and enjoying your cozy and tight space inside of Mommy. Mommy is SOOO ready to meet you though and I even get emotional just thinking about seeing you, getting to know you and kissing your soft cheeks in a few short days!!
Yesterday I went to the Doctor and she was shocked to see me still pregnant. She told me that I am now a solid 3 centimeters dilated and about 90% effaced. She explained, again, that my exam was very favorable for me to go into labor on my own. Unfortunately because you are a BIG girl, the Doctor's don't want me to wait past Thursday to deliver you. So - if you don't decide to come either today or tomorrow on your own then we're going to the hospital on Thursday morning to get things moving and help you along on your journey out!
Everything seems a little surreal. Mommy and Daddy have waited for 9 LONG months to meet you. Over the past 9 months Daddy and I have prayed every day together for you to stay safe and cozy inside Mommy and to grow to be big and strong so that you can join us in October. When I now think about the fact that you are fully developed, lungs and all, and are all ready to come out and meet us I start to tear up. What a miracle you are and what a miracle God has blessed Daddy and I with!
Over the next few days Daddy and I will continue to pray. We will pray that Mommy has an easy labor with no complications and that you are delivered quickly and absolutely perfect and healthy so that we can begin the next chapter of our lives together. I can only imagine that first time Daddy and I lay eyes on you in a few short days. I think you can rest assured that there will not be a dry eye in the room. We are SOOOOOO anxious to meet you!
Enjoy your last few hours/days cramped up in Mommy's tummy. Times are about to change and we promise to make your world a WONDERFUL place!
Mommy and Daddy
P.S. - The picture is the last finishing touches to your nursery. We finally found the perfect wall letters to hang above your crib. There is now NO doubt whose room it is. Now we just need you here so that you can sleep cozily in your room that Daddy spent so much time getting ready!!
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