Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen: SOPHIE!!!

As many of you know Cami had her very first LONG road trip two weeks ago to go to her Great Grandma's funeral in Rochester, New York. Although we were there under some terrible circumstances, Cami had a lot of fun. She got to meet her great friend Solia finally and she was also introduced to the ever so wonderful Sophie!

Cami first laid eyes (and mouth) on Solia's Sophie. It was love at first taste! Once GMa saw that Cami was in love with Sophie we knew it wouldn't be long before Cami had her very own Sophie.

(Here is Cami trying out Solia's Sophie....look at that intense face!)

A few days after we left Rochester to come back home I got a text message from GMa, who was still up in Rochester, with the picture below. GMa had worked hard and hunted down a Sophie just for Cami!!
(Cami's very own Sophie in the box)

After a long few days of waiting for Cami and a plane ride for Sophie she is finally at our house and residing amongst Cami's other toys. Cami is absolutely obsessed and in love with Sophie. She definitely is the favorite toy right now. Cami loves grabbing her, squeezing her, hearing her squeak and most importantly tasting her!

(Cami with her very own Sophie at last!)

Mommies: If you do not already have a Sophie for your drooling, teething baby I highly recommend one! I know it sounds stupid and it just looks like any other little toy but for some reason babies go CRAZY over Sophie! Cami is easily entertained for a good hour by Sophie if I let her. Simply wonderful for Mommy and baby!


  1. We got one a few weeks ago per Meghan Rogge's suggestion and Olivia loves it too! Crazy how a rubber giraffe could be so entertaining!

  2. Sophie is a wonderful friend -- Nicole had one and now it belongs to Guinevere... PS - if you ever need another one, Pufferbellies in Staunton carries them :)
