Friday, December 9, 2011

Our Latest Adventure

Our latest adventure has a new medical issue for Cami. We noticed a few months back that Cami's left eye was turning inwards a bit when she looked at things close up and/or when she was tired. We finally made it to the Opthamologist for this issue and found out that Cami has accomodative esotropia. The Opthamologist informed us that Cami would need glasses to (hopefully) fix the problem. He said that in aout 80% of kids glasses will do the trick and fix the eye from moving inward, strengthen the eye muscle and then in a few years many kids can even be taken off of using glasses and have perfectly normal vision. This is our hope!

Soooooo...with the news of the latest medical condition for Cami we began the hunt for glasses. I definitely underestimated the difficulty of finding glasses for a petite two year old. We went to a variety of places and this is what we found.
All of the glasses seemed to be swimming on her and literally sliding off her face. After much research and looking around we found out that it is impossible to find cute wire framed glasses for children as small as Cami. She needed a size 38 and the smallest wire frames made were a size 42. We did the best we could and found Cami the cutest and ugliest frames we could find. I just keep reminding myself that her friends can't make fun of her yet because she's still too small and also that next year we can upgrade to cuter frames. For now though, these are the frames we had to go with.

We ordered the frames in a cute lavender color so that it will look better with her skin color than the gray frames they had in the store to try on. The upside is that the frames are rubber and therefore virtually indestructible. Let's hope the transition to wearing glasses full time is an easy one. Look for an update in the next week or two when her REAL lenses and frames come in. Wish us all luck in the transition process!

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