Tuesday, October 13, 2009

38 Weeks...

Dear Cambria,

As of today I am 38 weeks and 6 days pregnant with you. It is hard to believe that tomorrow I will be 39 weeks pregnant! Obviously since I am writing this letter, you are still hanging out and enjoying your cozy and tight space inside of Mommy. Mommy is SOOO ready to meet you though and I even get emotional just thinking about seeing you, getting to know you and kissing your soft cheeks in a few short days!!

Yesterday I went to the Doctor and she was shocked to see me still pregnant. She told me that I am now a solid 3 centimeters dilated and about 90% effaced. She explained, again, that my exam was very favorable for me to go into labor on my own. Unfortunately because you are a BIG girl, the Doctor's don't want me to wait past Thursday to deliver you. So - if you don't decide to come either today or tomorrow on your own then we're going to the hospital on Thursday morning to get things moving and help you along on your journey out!

Everything seems a little surreal. Mommy and Daddy have waited for 9 LONG months to meet you. Over the past 9 months Daddy and I have prayed every day together for you to stay safe and cozy inside Mommy and to grow to be big and strong so that you can join us in October. When I now think about the fact that you are fully developed, lungs and all, and are all ready to come out and meet us I start to tear up. What a miracle you are and what a miracle God has blessed Daddy and I with!

Over the next few days Daddy and I will continue to pray. We will pray that Mommy has an easy labor with no complications and that you are delivered quickly and absolutely perfect and healthy so that we can begin the next chapter of our lives together. I can only imagine that first time Daddy and I lay eyes on you in a few short days. I think you can rest assured that there will not be a dry eye in the room. We are SOOOOOO anxious to meet you!

Enjoy your last few hours/days cramped up in Mommy's tummy. Times are about to change and we promise to make your world a WONDERFUL place!

Mommy and Daddy

P.S. - The picture is the last finishing touches to your nursery. We finally found the perfect wall letters to hang above your crib. There is now NO doubt whose room it is. Now we just need you here so that you can sleep cozily in your room that Daddy spent so much time getting ready!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Maternity Leave, Here I Come!!

It's official - my desk is empty and clean and my round table in my office is filled with my sub plans for my first week out. I am officially on maternity leave!! I will be honest in saying that I'm a little nervous about being away from work for SO long. The longest I have been away from that building in the last 4 years was during summer breaks when I was gone for four or five weeks at a time. This will be weird being gone for an entire 9 weeks and knowing that while I'm gone, the show must go on. I know my kids are in good hands though.
Now I can rest, relax and impatiently wait for our little Cambria to arrive now that all of my work at work is finished until I return in December or January (I'm not really sure when I'm going back yet...my bank account tells me one thing but my heart tells me another. The saying is to always follow your heart, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say I'll end up taking as much time as I possibly can to stay home with my daughter and the bank account will have to suffer.) The burning question is - will she wait until Thursday when I am scheduled to be induced or will she decide she wants to come on her own time before that? Whenever she decides, Mommy is definitely on maternity leave now and ready to be a Mommy full time for a few months!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Final Eviction Notice Served!

Okay Cambria, your eviction noticed has been served to you. The Doctor has set an induction date of October 15th due to your size unless you decide to arrive before then.

According to the Dr. she seemed to think that it would be surprising if I made it to October 15th without having you before then. I don't trust that though - they said the same thing last week and we're still hanging in there together. I feel better at least now knowing that if you don't decide to come on your own in the next week that you will be evicted whether you like it or not!

Come on, Daddy and I really are good people and we promise to make your world a REALLY cozy and wonderful place! Please come......PLEASEEEEEE! I'm begging you. I can't wait to meet my angel!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

37 Weeks...

Dear Cambria,

I am now 37 and a half weeks pregnant with you and waiting gets more difficult by the day. Last Thursday we had our first trip to Labor and Delivery. I called the Doctor because I was having some pretty common signs of pregnancy - including regular contractions and nausea. The Doctor told me to go to Labor and Delivery and get checked to see what was going on. We found out that you looked great - you had a heart rate of 125. We also found out that Mommy is having regular contractions - every few minutes. Although I am having constant contractions, nothing had changed with my progress so they sent me home to continue with the early labor. I was just happy that everything was okay with you and that I was allowed to go home and continue on with my normal daily routines until you get here.

Daddy and I continue to wait patiently and wonder when you will decide to grace us with your presence. Mommy is VERY uncomfortable and ready to have you out with us. Doctor Hodges said that if you aren't here by my appointment this Tuesday that we will discuss induction since you are already a little chunk. :-) All I want in the end is a happy and healthy baby, so I will do whatever the Doctor thinks is necessary to make sure you're delivered safe and sound.

That's about it for this week. I hope that you will arrive before I have to write a 38 week letter, but only time will tell. The picture above was taken this morning of Mommy. I am a little embarassed because it's not the greatest picture of me, but it sure does show off how big you are! Come join us soon - we're all waiting!!!

Mom and Dad