Saturday, January 30, 2010

New Trick

WARNING: Mom bragging about another baby milestone below!!!

As you can see above, Cami has another new trick. She has been trying REALLY hard lately to grab at some of her toys and she's getting more and more successful at it. Although she realizes that she has hands that she can control, she still has a difficult time figuring out how exactly to get her hands to the things that she would like to grab a hold of. I have a feeling in a another week or two she will be deliberately grabbing things with minimal effort. For now it's cute how hard she has to try and I am SO proud of my little girl and this new milestone that she's discovering she's capable of. Way to go Cami!!

Snow Day Snuggling...

Today we got about 6 or 7 inches of snow at our house. We had expected a few inches but did not expect as much as we got. Needless to say, we are snowed in and are enjoying staying nice and cozy together. We spent ALL day in our pajamas doing lots of playing, snuggling and napping. What a GREAT Saturday!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Nap Time

I am going to be VERY honest with you - Cambria is an AWFUL napper. I am not quite sure whose fault that is: Cambria's or Mommy's. From the minute she was brought home from the hospital we have allowed her to sleep whenever she wants wherever she wants. I am beginning to think now that was probably not the best Mommy decision I have made.

A couple times recently I have put Cami upstairs in her crib in an attempt to implement 'nap time' with little to no success thus far. The first time I tried this Cami slept for 15 minutes and then woke up screaming and would NOT go back to sleep. Another time she kicked and played in her crib for an hour (not crying or whining at all so I just let her go) and then finally she fell asleep after an hour of playtime only for me to have to wake her up 30 minutes later to feed her.

Why can't this nap time just pan out as perfectly as I would like it? My dream would be to feed Cami, have her play for an hour and then lay her down for a 2 hour afternoon nap. Is that too much to ask?! I think I have created a napping monster. Hey - at least she sleeps through the night. I guess I have to look on the bright side!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Hey - stop judging my chunky thighs!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


You may be wondering why I am posting a picture of rice cereal next to a bottle of medicine. The answer is that these two items have been our saving grace for the past week for our little Cami's reflux that she has.

After countless feedings where Cambria did nothing but arch her back and scream when we tried to feed her (even after only eating a couple ounces at her last feeding) I knew something was up and took her to the Doctor. After venting all of my frustrations to the Doctor she told me she had all of the signs of reflux. She suggested we thicken her bottles with rice cereal to help with the reflux in hopes that we wouldn't have to go the medication route. The cereal did help, but after a couple of days it was almost as if her body got used to it and we were right back to the beginning again. I called the Doctor back and told them we were still having a difficult time and they finally prescribed us Zantac.

Now she is taking Zantac three times a day and we are still thickening her bottles with rice cereal and it really seems to be doing the trick. I am keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed that this duo continues to work so well for our little angel. I HATE seeing her in pain when she is clearly starving and wanting to eat. Last night she was in bed by 9:15 with a full belly of almost 7 ounces. All I have to say is: Thank you cereal and medicine for helping Cami, Mommy and Daddy to get some of their sanity back!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nuts about Grandma!

It is no surprise, but Cambria is nuts about her Grandma's...she even likes to announce it on her shirt. Both of her Grandma's (Grammie and GMa) spoil her rotten and she LOVES spending time with them. Lucky for Cami, over the next 2 days she will get to spend lots of time with both of her Grandma's. What a lucky little girl!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What did I ever do without...

What in the world did I ever do without...

1. ...constantly washing bottles and making formula?

2. ...changing an average of 8 dirty diapers a day?

3. ...having to give Cambria her heart medications twice a day?

4. ...having to plan my sleep schedule around Cambria's sleep schedule?

5. ...having to pack up my entire life (or should I say Cambria's entire life) to leave the house for an hour?

6. ...doing massive amounts of baby laundry on a daily basis?

7. ...being spit up on/thrown up on at LEAST once a day? (Side note: yesterday it was ALL in my hair and of course it happened right after I finally got a shower at 3 PM.)

8. ...worrying about my daughter?

9. ...snuggling with Cami as she falls asleep in my arms and giving her countless hugs and kisses?

10. ...the most precious gift in the world, my daughter?

I would NOT trade in any of the things listed above for anything in the world. Over the last 3 months my life has changed forever and I couldn't be happier about it. Being a Mother is the best thing that has ever happened to me!!

Bath Time!

Every other day Cami gets a bath and she LOVES it! She has finally figured out that she can kick her legs and use her arms to make lots of splashing too.

Mommy and Daddy love bath time just as much as Cami does. We often find ourselves discussing how beautiful she is and how blessed we are. I can not quite put my finger on what it is about this time of day that makes it so special.

Maybe it's because it allows us to really notice all of the little features (fingers, toes, nose, lips, etc.) that could not be more perfect and we are in total awe that we created something so perfect.

Or maybe it's the special love, cuddling and bonding time that bath time provides for all of us.

Or maybe it's the fact that Cami is so tiny and helpless. Just thinking about how she relies on us to take care of her and keep her clean makes me choke up.

It doesn't matter what it is. Whatever it is, 'it' makes bath time one of our most favorite times with our little girl!

Monday, January 18, 2010

FABULOUS weekend!

I think Cami's bib in this picture perfectly captures in one word how our weekend was.

On Saturday (3 months and one day old) Cambria had two 'firsts'.

She had her first taste of rice cereal mixed in with her bottle and LOVED it! The Doctor recommended that we try this to thicken her formula and help with her acid reflux since we can't put her on any medications for her reflux due to the medications she is currently taking for her heart. She gets 2 Tablespoons of rice cereal mixed in with her 5 ounce bottles and so far she is gobbling up her bottles and it seems to be helping the reflux too. I am not having to fight with her to eat and she seems way happier. WOOOHOOO!!!

The other 'first' happened on Saturday morning too. Cami finally decided it was time for the big move. Drum-roll please.........Cami rolled over from her belly to her back all by herself!!! She was really working hard and finally she got herself on her side and Jon ran and got the video camera and shortly there after she finished the deed and rolled over. We are SO glad that we got her first ever roll over on film so we can show her when she's bigger. We are so proud of our little growing girl!!

We hope everyone's week is as fabulous as our weekend was!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

3 Months Old!!!

Dear Cambria,

I know that since you have been born I haven't been writing you letters like I was before you were born. I am going to start writing you a letter each month again in hopes that you will be able to look back on these letters when you are older and see all of the fabulous things that you did that month.

I can not even believe that you are 3 months old today. Where does the time go?!?! It seems like just yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital yet at the same time it feels like we've been through so much with you in the past 3 months as well. Some of the highlights of the first 3 months of your life include: being born on October 15th, 2009 (obviously), coming home on October 17th, 2009 and meeting all of your family (McNamee's and Sakshaug's), scaring us with your SVT onset on your one month birthday, staying in Fairfax Hospital for 4 days due to your SVT, your first Thanksgiving and Christmas (both at home this year since we couldn't travel due to your SVT condition), your first road trip to Stuarts Draft to visit your family there for New Years with your Cardiologists permission, lots of doctors appointments for your SVT, moving to your big girl room and crib at night and of course lots and lots of playtime, snuggling and your first smiles that melt my heart each time I get one.

I often look into your big blue eyes in the mornings when you wake up and start crying out of pure joy. You are the most precious gift that I could ever have been given and I thank God for you every day! You have taught Daddy and I about a love that we had never felt before you were here: the love of a parent for our child. Up until October 15th I was always your Daddy's 'girl' but now he often tells me that I am no longer his best girl - you are! I had a feeling that would happen when you were born but I couldn't be happier about it. You love snuggling with your Daddy and I love watching you and Daddy when you are having special time together. You are definitely Daddy's girl.

I look forward to all of the new memories that we will make together in the next month. You are such a joy and I thank you for all of the love and happiness that you have brought to our family. I honestly can not imagine our life without you in it!!! I love you with ALL of my heart and soul!


Time to Wake Up!

I decided to take a video of walking into Cami's room to get her up in the morning. As you can see from the video, she is ALWAYS so happy when she wakes up. I often ask myself how I got so lucky to have such a happy go lucky baby. All I have to say is that I could not be more blessed to wake up to this beautiful smiling face every morning.


I LOVE this picture! It looks as though Cami is a little worried about her hair loss or something. What a doll she is! Daddy sure is hoping she loses all of her hair soon and he wants all blonde hair to grow in. Only time will tell....

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Big Move...

This weekend Daddy and I decided that it was time for the big move. The big move being the move for Cambria from the bassinet next to our bed into her big girl room and in her big girl bed (the crib). Luckily because Cambria is such a good sleeper at night this move was not an issue at all for her. She pretty much sleeps anywhere at night as long as she is swaddled up tightly, and the crib is no exception. This morning she even went back to sleep in her crib for a 3 hour nap after her 6:30 bottle. Let's hope she continues to love her crib as much and she has the past few nights!! Way to go big girl!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

On a roll...

**Disclaimer: Dangerously cute chubby arms and legs in photo below....look at your own risk!**

So, I have a feeling that our precious little Cambria is going to be on a roll soon - literally. Have a look for yourself.

Many times when I am changing her she fights me to turn on her side like this. I have to admit that I am quite amused at her attempt to roll over that usually after I put a fresh diaper on her I let her go and I just laugh and go gaga over how cute she is when attempting to roll over. Before we know if she'll be a rolling machine. First she just needs to figure out how to get over that arm of hers that is in her way!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2010!!!!!

Happy New Year to every one!! We are looking forward to a wonderful 2010 filled with zillions of wonderful memories with our new little Cambria.

*My new years resolution is to blog more. I PROMISE to blog at least one post every other day so that you can all stay up to date on what little Miss Cambria is up to!!*

We LOVE you!

Dear Bottle Warmer,

My Mom and I could not be more in love with you. You make our lives so much easier. No more running hot water over my bottle and waiting for a long time for it to heat up. I can now get my bottle in a few minutes flat. You help to take stress away from my Mom and I just LOVE my perfectly warm milky! What would we do without you? Please never ever leave us!

Cambria Leigh


Cambria is smiling up a storm now and it could not melt our hearts more. We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her smiles and each and every time she smiles it makes me fall even more in love with her (as if that's even possible). I have also figured out that I can make myself look pretty ridiculous trying to just get a little smile from our girl. It's crazy the thing's you'll do for a little smirk! :-)

Adorable Children

Okay, so I may be a little biased but I think I have some REALLY cute children. Yes, I said children plural. Don't get excited - I am NOT pregnant again. Gus is our firstborn. :-) How could you resist these faces?!

Road Trip!

Cambria had her first road trip to visit her Grammie, Grampie, Grandaddy, Uncle Richard, Aunt Beth and cousins Connor, Nicole and Guinevere in Stuarts Draft for New Years. She was an angel in the car and an angel the entire time we were there. I think Grammie and Grampie enjoyed watching her while Jon and I spent time with Richard and Beth and Mommy and Daddy enjoyed being away and finally being able to take our little girl away from home for the first time since she was diagnosed with SVT. We hope to have many more road trips in the future!! Watch out world, here she comes!