Friday, September 25, 2009

36 Weeks!!

Dear Cambria,

Here is a new picture of your tiny little hand telling us everything is A-Okay at 36 weeks! This picture was taken of you on Monday, September 21, 2009 when Mommy went in for another ultrasound to see how big you are. You were weighing in at an estimated 6 lbs 11 oz. already and everything looked great. Your arms and legs were moving around and apparently, just based on your thumbs up picture, you are doing quite well and wanted all of us to know that you're happy too!!

Mommy found out on Tuesday, the day after we saw you on ultrasound, that I am already 2 centimeters dilated and more than 50% effaced. The Doctor assured me that if you were to be born now that everything would be just fine based on how far along I am and your estimated weight too. She did tell me though that she wanted me to take off work for the rest of the week and stay home and relax to try and keep you cooking for another week if possible. It's best for you to stay safe in there until you're considered full term at 37 weeks next week.

For the past 3 days we have been following the Doctor's orders. I am home from work and Gus, you and I have been doing a lot of relaxing, watching TV, reading magazines and just plain RESTING. Although I am starting to go crazy with just sitting here and thinking about going into labor, I know that these few days of rest are necessary to make sure that I deliver a happy and healthy little girl.

Your Aunt Brittany brought up a good point last night. She said that she thinks you already love being the center of attention - you must know you have EVERYONE on pins and needles waiting for your debut - especially now with all of this early labor business. I hope this is no indication that you will give your Mommy and Daddy a difficult time raising you. I like to think that you are just SO anxious to get here and meet your family and that is the real reason for this early labor.

Well Cami, that's all for today. Do your best to try and stay safe in there for at least another few days. We are just as anxious to meet you as you are to meet us, but I'd prefer if you obeyed your parents and stayed put at least until next Wednesday, September 30th so you'll be considered full term. We love you so much and with ALL of our hearts!!

Mommy and Daddy

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